Transmission Electron microscopy (TEM)
Instrument Details
- Make : FEI, Company
- Model : Teanai G2 Spirit.
Specifications :
- Operating Voltage: 20-120 kV
Working Principle: The images of TEM are formed with the help of transmitted electrons. The electron beam is used as a source of illumination where extremely small negatively charged electrons given off by a heated tungsten filament can be accelerated by high voltage to produce a coherent electron beam and can be focused by an electric field. The electric field of a doughnut-shaped electromagnet surrounding the electron beam acts just like the glass lens, which focuses the light beam on the specimen. A similar electromagnet is used as the objective lens to form a highly magnified image of the specimen; and one or two electromagnetic lenses further magnify and project the image onto a fluorescent viewing screen or light sensitive sensor such as a CCD (charge-coupled device) camera. The image detected by the CCD may be displayed in real time on a computer monitor.
- Biological samples (Plants),
- Plant virus diagnostics
- Nanotechnology
User Instructions (users other than ICAR-CPRI):
- A requisition letter should be sent, addressing to The Director, ICAR-Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla-171001 along with the payment details.
- Once the requisition letter and payment is received in the office then the appointment will be scheduled and the indenter will be intimated.
User Instructions (users CPRI):
- Users should give a requisition to the Head (PP) and take appointment in TEM lab for processing their samples.
TEM Charges:
- Minimum charges upto 5 samples: Rs. 10,260.00 + GST.
- Every additional sample: Rs. 2,000/- per sample/ per virus.
Contact Us:
- Director, ICAR-CPRI,Shimla(H.P.)-171001
- Phone: 0177-2625073
- Mobile:+91-9418657678
- Email Id: